This recap rounds out my Alt Summit experience quite nicely, and bookends the other recaps I’ve posted on my blog during the past few weeks. What follows is an overview of my most beloved social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Although the Alt Summit session was titled Following the Conversation: Social Media 101, I still learned a thing or two from our four panelists: Erin Souder of House of Earnest, Allison Silber of Engaged & Inspired, Kelly Beall of Design Crush, and Meg Biram of Meg Biram – The Edit.
• For example, did you know it’s best for your Twitter and Instagram usernames to be identical?
• Do you use Pinterest to promote your own work?
• Have you considered creating a Twitter list of people with whom you wish to continually network?
These three tips alone were enough to get me thinking about my social media activity, and how it can always be improved – regardless of the platform or purpose.
>> What social media platform do you prefer? Got any tips or tricks to share? Comment below!