[Borrowed from Molly]
I am: depressed I got into an accident in my new car
I know: that my car will get fixed
I have: an orange office, which I love
I wish: San Francisco wasn’t so far away
I hate: ham and bean soup
I miss: blissful ignorance
I fear: failure of the professional variety
I hear: the birds chirping outside my window
I search: for the right song every time I listen to music
I wonder: if I’ll ever write a book
I regret: not stopping at that damn stoplight on Friday
I love: Matthew
I ache: when I have cramps
I care: about other people as much as possible
I always: wear my glasses
I am not: hateful
I dance: when no one is looking
I sing: when no one is around
I do not always: think before I speak
I should not: take everything so internally
I write: for a living
I win: at pool and darts
I lose: hardly anything, because I’m so organized
I confuse: myself
I listen: to Indie Pop Rocks while at work
I go: to Mass every Saturday night
I am happy about: my new job