Posts Archived From: 'November 2006'

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iLike This Idea

If you’re in the mood for new music, look no further than iLike.

When installed in iTunes, iLike will suggest music you might enjoy based on your current music library.

iLike also allows you to view the music of your friends.

Check it out.

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Four Years Later…

Allow me to send an extra special shout-out to my pal, Barry, for returning my copy of “The Mac is Not a Typewriter” four or five years after he borrowed it while we worked together at KMTV.

I was reminded of how much I adore this slim little book.

P.S. Check out Barry’s new program, “This Is Nebraska” if you’re the slightest bit interested in the Cornhusker state.

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New (And Hilarious) Music

If you’ve got computer speakers and some time to kill, try these hilarious songs on for size.

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Doing The iPod Shuffle

While most Americans were thoughtfully spending their Black Friday dollars on Christmas gifts for others, I forked over $79 (plus tax) for a shiny, new iPod shuffle at my local Apple Store.

It was a glorious experience.

I already own a 60 GB iPod, so you can imagine why my sister questioned my purchase last Friday.

“I just need it,” I told her. “Sure, I use Apple’s products. But I consider myself a collector of them, too.”

So to celebrate (and officially christen my new iPod, which I named Tiny Dancer), I created a playlist and uploaded some of my favorite tunes from my complete iTunes library.

Since Friday I have never left home without my shuffle. It’s so small and lovely. I think I’m in love. Again.

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In My Absence

I find it hard to believe that I haven’t posted to my blog since Nov. 12.

Egad. My apologies.

While I haven’t been writing for my blog, I’ve certainly been reading other blogs (including the blogs that follow).

Check them out. You just might learn something.

• dooce {}

• Mighty Girl {}

• Mighty Goods {}

• Leavenworth Street {}

• Sue Moon {}

• PostSecret {}

• {}

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The First iPod-Worthy Song

While paging through the latest issue of Wired Magazine this morning, I read an extremely interesting article about the birth of the iPod.

In reading the article, I discovered that the first song ever played on an iPod — while the gorgeous piece of technology was still in its development stages, mind you — was “Groovejet (If This Ain’t Love),” a “house-music dance tune with vocals by the British diva Sophie Ellis-Bextor.”

Neat stuff.

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Is She? Isn’t She?

This hilarious YouTube video should clear things up, right?

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Let Thy Voice Be Heard

I voted today.

Have you?

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No TV For You

Fact: I work for a telecommunications provider, yet my TV at home hasn’t been turned on for days.

Better yet, I have several weeks’ worth of recorded programming on my DVR that has yet to be viewed.

I have, however, whored out my high-speed Internet network like no other this weekend.

Does that count for anything?

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A Candy Observation Post Halloween

Following my sugar-induced coma on Halloween (and on Wednesday, Thursday and, now, today), I have determined that Now and Laters are Treats of the Devil.

They literally make my teeth ache because of (1) the amount of sugar; and (2) the literal hardness of the candy.

Don’t even think of biting into a Now and Later too soon. You’ll regret it now … and later.

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