Here’s a Web site you may want to read, assuming you’re a Nebraska tax payer:
Here’s a Web site you may want to read, assuming you’re a Nebraska tax payer:
I picked up my Elantra from the body shop today. She’s as good as new (if not better). I think they also washed and waxed my new beauty before turning her back over to me.
Now this is what my car should look like.
One question, however, remains: Where does the Apple sticker go?
Since Sunday, I’ve had a runny nose, sore throat and slight fever. It’s awful. And I’m sure that two days of non-stop rain isn’t helping my cause. I can barely breath this morning as I stare at a pile of used Kleenex on my desk.
While at the grocery store earlier this evening, I came across a display of Raman noodles at the end of an aisle. The boring sign, complete with an awful sans serif font, simply stated that a package of Raman noodles would cost a would-be shopper a measly 9¢.
Yes, you read that correct: nine pennies.
So, in theory, a person could have a meal — sans a beverage, unless you count tap water — for 9¢.
For fun, let’s keep track of how many items cost more than 9¢. I’ll go first.
(1) A postage stamp.
(2) A phone call on a pay phone.
(3) A fake tattoo from one of those filthy, poorly placed machines near the automatic doors of Your Favorite Grocery Store.
(4) A can of soda.
(5) Twenty minutes at a parking meter in downtown Omaha.
Bush and the First iPod:
I need some advice. For the past few years, my drinks of choice at the local watering hole have been:
(1) Ketel One vodka and cranberry juice.
(2) Amaretto sour.
(3) A Cosmopolitan (occasionally).
I’ve quickly become bored with my staple beverages. I’ll occasionally order a beer (Budweiser or Miller High Life), but it’s not often.
Can anyone recommend a new drink I can try, based on my current likes?
Next week I was scheduled to attend a breakfast featuring CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Because of the Pope’s passing, UNO was forced to cancel Cooper’s speaking engagement for the second time. The UNO folks told me yesterday that they hoped Cooper would reschedule. I hope so. Breakfast and Anderson Cooper, all for $12. What more could a person want?
While reading earlier this evening, I thought how I would react if I no longer had access to my Macintosh and all she offers: email, Web access, my mp3s, photos, the list goes on and on.
And as embarrassed as I am to admit the following, I shall: My mind quickly slowed its pace. A world without technology would create a lengthy list of inconveniences and hardships I’d rather not experience. It’s quite sad, really, how mentally and emotionally attached I’ve become to technology; specifically, my Macintosh.
The right side of my stomach cramped up something fierce this morning while at the Y. It could be because I didn’t properly warm up before my run; or, that I haven’t seriously exercised for about a week. Either way, I spent 40 minutes moving on the treadmill this morning, be ir running or walking.
So there.
I just read that Tegan and Sara are coming to Omaha for a May 5 show. They’re opening for The Killers, who had to move their Omaha show from May 5 to May 22. So, since they’ll already be in Omaha May 5, they’re going to play.
Are they worth seeing twice in the same month? I’m going to The Killers and will see them at that time.
Your input, please.