Love Library

In this sacred digital space I am called to share with you the extraordinary people, places, things, words, and experiences that have touched my heart.


My hope is that this evolving library of things I love, in turn, touch your heart, too.


Abra Poindexter


Aldermarsh of Whidbey Island


The Circle Way


Daphne Eck


“For Shamans at the Edge” by Beth Sanders




Glenda Goodrich


Kristie McLean


Lori Goldstein


“Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” (Prayer of St. Francis) by Susan Boyle


“The Masses” by Jessica Powers


Melissa Kopplin


“Nuptial Song” by Susana Thénon




Susannah Conway


“Tristram” by Edward Arlington Robinson (excerpt)
Whether you will or not,
You are a king, Tristram, for you are one
Of the time-tested few that leave the world,
When they are gone, not the same place it was.
Mark what you leave.


Whitney English