Knitting by Wendy is Open on Etsy

April 10, 2013  

Of the five sets of knitting needles that I own, at least two are occupied with a project at any given time. Bundles of soft, colorful yarn sit in piles throughout my home office. A scarf here, a coaster or pot holder there. Just this morning I stopped by the post office to mail two separate knitting orders.


What joy this small, quiet, and unobtrusive craft has created!


After hearing from many of you, I spent a few hours on Saturday afternoon and opened my first Etsy shop. Knitting by Wendy currently has four styles in stock, but more will be added as I continue knitting … and knitting and knitting.


It’s spring in Nebraska and it should be in the sixties and seventies. But today? It’s rainy, windy, raw. Highs in the mid-thirties are forecast, along with snow — yes, snow! — on Thursday. Seems as though cozy knitted scarves may be worn just a bit while longer.


And now, a few snapshots of what’s filled my knitting needles these past few weeks.


2 Comments on “Knitting by Wendy is Open on Etsy”

  1. 1 Rach said at 2:27 am on April 15th, 2013:

    How awesome are you! Heading over to check it out now. And as for Spring not coming in your parts yet…eeek!


    Wendy Townley Reply:

    Thank you kindly! “Eeek!” is right about the weather. A messy rain/snow mix is again in the forecast for Wednesday/Thursday. Mother Nature, send help!


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