Posts Archived From: 'April 2007'

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My, What A Graphic Bumper Sticker You Have

While driving home from work tonight I found myself behind a bright yellow Jeep Wrangler. It was a pretty snazzy vehicle and I’m rather partial to Wranglers, having owned one during my college days.

The bumper sticker on this particular Wrangler made me laugh … and then proceeded to gross me out a bit.

If I wanted a HUMMER, I’d ask your girlfriend!


I find it humorous that the author of this gem believed an exclamation mark was necessary to truly convey said message.

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Another Part Of Writing That I Love

From: Skip Zimmerman
Subject: Re: UNO Alum
Date: April 14, 2007 2:13:28 PM CDT
To: Wendy Townley

Hi Wendy:

Thanks so much for sending copies of the article. I thought it was just terrific as did my wife. Frankly, I was amazed at how good it was considering that we just had a couple of phone conversations – it really exceeded any expectations I might have had. Thanks again and I appreciate the fact that you took time to send copies to me.

Skip Zimmerman

{Here’s the article Skip refers to in his email.}

I posted this email not because I’m arrogant, but for this simple reason: writing allows me to give personalized gifts on a regular basis. It sounds corny, I know, but I get such tremendous satisfaction when what I write makes someone else so very happy.

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Remember PAAS?

I hadn’t, until my mom asked me to help her dye Easter eggs Tuesday night, using the signature PAAS kit, designed to make the perfect dyed egg.

Upon opening the thin cardboard box I was met with the colored tabs wrapped in plastic cellophane, as well as the cardboard cutouts designed to decorate one’s eggs once they’ve dried after the suggested time.

I was brought back to my childhood as I dropped each colored tab into coffee mugs filled with a few tablespoons of vinegar. That pungent smell stung my nose at first, but I found my excitement grow as the eggs evolved into such colorful little orbs.

Here’s the finished product.

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You Could Say I’m A Big Deal

{Wait. Let’s preface that subject. It should be read with a shellack of self deprecation. I’m not that self centered.}

What was intended to be a rather uneventful Friday night watching an Omaha Beef football game quickly evolved into a press release/podcast opportunity (Thanks, Dave Holly!) I never saw coming.

Don’t believe me?

Read on:

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Forget December 25; My Christmas Is June 11


That’s when, according to online rumors and the like, Apple will release the iPhone.

It’s no secret I’m craving one of these lovely beauties. I’ve been dreaming of the iPhone since Steve Jobs made the proper introductions from a convention hall stage in January in San Francisco.

But this recent posting from Digg made me, literally, laugh out loud.

“Better look out while driving that day.. everyone will have their fingers on the damn thing, trying to figure out how to call every-f#$%&@g-body they know on their new iPhone.”

You can count me in this colorfully identifed group.

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Desperately Seeking New Bag

I’m in the mood for a new messenger bag this spring/summer.

Lady Readers, can you recommend any?

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Three Reasons I Know It’s Spring

{In no particular order.}

• For the second consecutive day I’ve worn shorts, despite the fact that my legs have a flour-colored hue and are in desperate need of sunshine.
• The grass in my yard and surrounding my neighbors’ homes has quickly turned a warm, kelly green color. It’s just lovely.
• The Ding-Ding Man drove through my neighborhood yesterday. A group of kids waved him down and purchased various ice cream treats.

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In A Word: Brilliant.

“It may be the most stunning and creative attack ad yet for a 2008 presidential candidate — one experts say could represent a watershed moment in 21st century media and political advertising,” Carla Marinucci reports for The San Francisco Chronicle. “Yet the groundbreaking 74-second pitch for Democratic Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, which remixes the classic “1984” ad that introduced Apple computers to the world, is not on cable or network TV, but on the Internet.”

“And Obama’s campaign says it had absolutely nothing to do with the video that attacks one of his principal Democratic rivals, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Indeed, the ad’s creator is a mystery, at least for now,” Marinucci reports. {For more, visit MacDailyNews.}

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Open Wide


CNN is reporting one way to reduce a woman’s risk of breast cancer.

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Here Comes Thunder!

The first official Severe Thunderstorm of 2007 is a mere 30 minutes away from slapping Omaha upside the head.

I am giddy. I’m ready for a balls-to-the-wall thunderstorm.

So long as I don’t get any hail damage to my roof, I’ll be happy.

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